Do You Need A Funnel That Creates Raving Fans? Social Media That Builds Community? To Rank On The First Page Of Google? More Traffic? A Website That Converts? Persuasive Copy? PPC Ads That Produce Positive ROI? A Funnel That Creates Raving Fans? Social Media That Builds Community? More Sales?

SEO and Content Marketing

We are Vancouver based SEO expert company. Your business outreach depends on how strong your SEO is. Good thing is, not many companies understand its depth. 

Leading in SEO results makes your website, your business show up at the top for 50+ results. That’s what we do. We rank you for a bunch of high-demand, low-competition keywords. 

Google’s 2nd page is the darkest place on earth after the Dark of the Moon. If you’re not ranking on the first page for your core keywords, you’re hidden from more than 95% of potential traffic and leads.

Given the nearly saturated nature of every business – ranking for good keywords is now almost like fighting a battle. A bigger battle.

The first link on Google gets about 32% of the traffic. The second gets about 17%. Everyone else is fighting for scraps. Less than 5% of all traffic goes to the second page, and even fewer click on anything while there. 

Having higher SEO rankings than your competitors is an immense advantage, and will only continue to grow more valuable given the rising costs of PPC advertising.

SEO is going after great, unique, knowledge-rich, solution-based content. But that comes with a process. A formula. The secret-sauce formula is this – Long-tail, low-competition keywords, plus targeting that area, where giants dread to tread. We know where that is.  

Join the journey, that will see you rank better for sure in coming months. Attract the visitors you want to convert. 

Get SEO that’s technically sound and well configured from Vancouver based SEO expert & digital marketing specialist,

We help you achieve outstanding, well-thought out content that positions you as an expert in your niche. Plus you get the social coverage. We help you establish social channels with well-positioned branding – that makes your brand revered, searched and well ranked. Let’s surprise them.

Paid Media

The secret of paid media is – it puts you in front of the audience. But is it your audience? Or was it the window shoppers? Most PPC ads miss the point. 

Point is – optimized ads. Ads which are refined. Refined with a copy. Copy that melts. That’s the bull’s eye nobody reaches. We do. Did. For a lot of clients. Still doing it.

If you’re looking for subtle but daily conversions, if you want your phone to ring every ten minutes – PPC Ads are best to get quicker results. Search engines love pushing the ads on the top.

Based out of Vancouver, we are SEO experts with new, updated techniques on SEO to rank faster than your competitors. 

Don’t know where to start – its easy. We first research your niche. Then, we check your competition’s market share. After that, we go looking around for the prized terms people are associating your niche with. We collect the best ones, with lower costs.

Don’t know where to start? Feel that you’ll burn money? Thinking what if your Ad doesn’t reach the right people? Valid questions – we step in here, we hand-hold and walk you through the process. We research keywords of your niche. Select that are performing best. While you focus on your business, Vancouver’s best SEO expert will expand your outreach.

Digital Strategy Framework and Funnel Development

Is your digital strategy framework working flawlessly? Or are there areas of your funnel that could use some improvement?

Digital Strategy Framework is not a silver bullet that works for every business. Your business is different. Dynamics are very distinct. Your customer’s expectation is separate from that of your competitors. 

Digital Strategy Framework and Funnel development reduces your cost to convert your customer. Also, it zeroes down to that target customer who is aligned with you. Not everyone will be your customer., Vancouver’s best SEO experts, know the digital strategy framework building. They help you create a complete process, which runs on its own, passes on to you relevant, low-cost-to-convert leads. This reduces your micro-management. It helps you focus on delivery and service. We build your funnels, as experienced sales funnel consultant, so that you steer your business with an audience, that comes back.

By flawlessly, we mean that your calendar is completely booked (if you sell a service), or that you’re constantly needing to restock (if you sell a product). In our decade of digital marketing experience, we’ve helped numerous companies develop and deploy a digital marketing strategy that works efficiently towards the results they want for their business.

We analyze your funnels, identify new paths for conversion, plug any leaks, and consult with you on potential improvements to your marketing channels. Contact us today and we’ll help you optimize your sales funnel, increase your conversion rates, and multiply your revenue.

Social Media Marketing

Social presence is vital. Being online is being ahead. If your social content is not connecting, we connect the dots. We produce research-backed content that attracts answer-seeking audience.

Building a community is social media – connecting, communicating, consulting – on social media your business speaks like a champion. If you’re not, conversions will not happen

Being Vancouver based SEO expert of the industry – we’ve helped clients worldwide to see results that gives them a lead. Being dependable is more important that being able to sell. 

We know as Digital Strategy Framework experts what’s the best strategy for every channel. Not one message is meant for all channels. We calibrate, calculate and strategise content marketing. Every social media channel has its own target market thought-process

Conversion Optimization

No one likes losing leads. Especially us. So as a part of the digital strategy framework, we’ve developed a process for optimizing landing pages, ads, and outreach messages. If landing pages, the messages are not hitting your visitor – you lose business. So we employ specialized methods ensuring better conversion, better audience engagement. 

We look at your analytics, your copy, and your design, to ensure that you’re setting your brand up to get the sale as efficiently as possible. 

We split test and validate each of our ideas so we can back up our claims and measurably show you where we made improvements. You only stand to make money by optimizing your conversions.

Contact Vancouver based SEO expert agency today if you’d like to plug leaks in your funnel, and capitalize on more of your traffic.

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